Happy to share the innovative WOUNDSENS initiative led by one of its female voices: María Urbano.
Maria Urbano, CEO and Co-Founder of EvoEnzyme, was recently interviewed by innovaspain.com and Elisa Tasca to discuss about the company trajectory and the Directed Evolution, its flagship tool for enzyme design, and the projects in which is currently participating. Among these, Maria highlighted the promising proposal of the Pathfinder Challenge WoundSens project to design smart bandage with aimed at monitoring infections in real time. EvoEnzyme, responsible for the Enzyme Engineering Module, is developing highly resistant and active enzymes embedded in graphene nanotubes that can act as biosensors of infection.
The role of women was also one of the main focus of this interview, proud that EvoEnzyme is among the 32 startups founded by women, so both the EvoEnzyme and WOUNDSENS teams are committed to the crucial role that women play in science and technology and the need to strengthen their participation. Proud of our WW! Women in WoundSens!
Thanks go to Maria Urbano for this interesting interview! Read it in full by clicking here: https://www.innovaspain.com/evoenzyme-maria-urbano/